Municipalities | Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives

For quicker recovery from stress, ensure greenspaces have a minimum tree cover of 36%

Jiang, B et al Environment and Behavior, 48(4), Sept. 2014, pp. 607-629

To decrease anxiety/mood disorders, increase the amount of usable treed greenspace

Nutsford, Pearson and Kingham. Public Health, 127(11), Nov. 2013, pp. 1005-1011

To decrease heat-related mortality, aim for a minimum of 33% neighborhood tree canopy cover

Chen, D; et al Journal of Environmental Pollution, Vol. 192, 2014

To decrease heat-related mortality in the elderly population, plant trees to increase neighborhood tree cover

Burkart, Katrin; et al Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(7), July 2016

To lessen heat related mortality, increase treed greenspace by 0.4 square miles for every 1,000 people

To reduce stress and improve overall health, repurpose vacant lots to neighborhood treescapes

South et al American Journal of Public Health, 105(5), May 2015, pp. 909-913

To increase the overall health of a neighborhood community, particularly that of lower income, ensure there are a least 10 street trees per block

Kardan,O.; Gozdyra, P.; Misic,B. et al Scientific Reports, 5, 11610, July 2015

To reduce the liklihood of death from respiratory illness, increase the area of residential greenspace

Villeneuve, P; et al Environmental Research, Vol. 115, May 2012, pp. 51-58

To reduce medical incidences pertaining to respiratory disease, increase the number of neighborhood trees

Rao, M et al Environmental Pollution, Vol. 194, Nov. 2014, pp. 96-104

To decrease the odds of heart disease and stroke, ensure species diversity and variability within greenspaces

Pereira, et al BMC Public Health, 12:466, 2012