Being in and around nature helps your body's immune system and boosts disease-fighting cells to act faster.
Li, Q. (2010). Effect of forest bathing trips on human immune function. Environmental Health and Preventative Medicine. 15(1): 9-17.
Li, Q., Kawada, T. (undated but probably 2010). Healthy forest parks make healthy people: Forest environments enhance human immune function. Department of Hygiene and Public Health, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan.
Being able to see trees while recovering from surgery – as through a hospital window – increases a patient's pain thresholds, requiring less pain relievers and shortening recovery time.
Healthcare providers can prescribe to patients more time among the trees where they live, work and play to help improve their health. In turn, we hope that connecting trees to human health will encourage more people to become active stewards and advocates for community forestry.