Park Boards | Healthy Trees, Healthy Lives

To increase the quality of life for assisted living residents, provide easily accessible, safe, shaded outdoor settings

Access to Nature American Society of Landscaspe Arthitects 2010 ASLA Profeessional Awards

To encourage physical activity in adults, increase the amount of neighborhood treescapes and other greenspaces. To reach recommended levels of physical activity, exercise in neighborhoods with high levels of treescapes and other greenspace.

Ellaway, Anne, Sally Macintyre, and Xavier Bonnefoy BMJ, 331:611, Oct. 2005

To decrease childhood obesity, increase the amount of neighborhood treescapes

Sanders, T; Feng, X; Fahey, P. et al International Journal of Obesity Vol. 39, Aug. 2015, 1224-1229

To decrease childhood obesity, increase the amount of neighborhood treescapes

Bell, Wilson and Liu American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 35(6), Dec. 2008, pp. 547–553

To decrease overall mortaility rates, increase neighborhood tree canopy

Crouse, DL et al The Lancet Planetary Health, 1(7), Oct. 2017, pp. e289-e297

To reduce mortaility (particularly in women), ensure there is community greenspace within 0.15 mile of all residences

James, P; et al Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(9), Sept. 2016

To improve psychological well-being, increase greenspace species diversity

Aerts, Honnay and Van Nieuwenhuyse British Medical Bulletin, 127(1), Sept 2018, pp. 5–22

To support mental health, increase greenspace biodiversity

Schebella, et al Sustainability, 11(3), 2019, p. 802

To support mental health, increase the diversity and species richness of a greenspace

Southon, et al Landscape and Urban Planning, Vol. 172, April 2018, pp. 1-10

To increase the effectiveness of parks and greenspaces on human health, increase species biodiversity

Wood, et al Frontiers in Psycohology, Vol. 9, Nov 2018

For quicker recovery from stress, ensure greenspaces have a minimum tree cover of 36%

Jiang, B et al Environment and Behavior, 48(4), Sept. 2014, pp. 607-629